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Uqbah ibn Abu Mu'ayt

Uqba ibn Abu Mu'ayt (Arabic: عقبة بن أبو معيط‎‎) (died 624) was one of the principal adversaries of Islam. He was a Quraysh leader and a member of the Banu 'Abdu Shams clan of Quraish tribe.

‘Uqbah ibn Abu Mu‘ayṭ ibn Abu ‘Amr ibn Umaiyah ibn ‘Abdu Shams

He was married to Arwā bint Quraiz ibn Rabī‘ah of Banu ‘Abdu Shams clan. Arwā later married ‘Affān ibn Abu al-‘Āṣ and bore ‘Uthmān ibn ‘Affān which made ‘Uqbah his stepfather. He had two sons, Walid ibn Uqba and 'Ammara ibn 'Uqbah and one daughter Umm Kulthum bint Uqba. All of his children became Muslims.

Uqbah was one the neighbors of Muhammad. Yet he assaulted Muhammad verbally and physically as he was preaching monotheism He also constantly ridiculed Muhammad when the latter was preaching in Mecca. On one occasion, when Muhammad was praying in the courtyard of the Ka'ba, Uqba brought the waste of a slaughtered camel (intestines, blood, dung etc.) upon the suggestion of other Quraysh leaders who were gathered there, and placed it upon Muhammad's back while he was in prostration. They laughed so much so that they fell on each other. He remained in that position due to the weight, unable to lift his head from prostration until his daughter came and removed it.

On another occasion, Uqba spat on Muhammad's face at the incitement of his friend Ubay ibn Khalaf. According to the Islamic tradition, the Quranic verse [Quran 25:29] was revealed at that moment to Muhammad regarding Uqba and Ubay. Uqbah was also one of those enemies of Muhammad who rejoiced at the news of the death of Muhammad's second son 'Abdullah.

Ubayy ibn Khalaf ibn Wahb ibn Ḥudhāfa was a very close friend of ‘Uqbah. When Ubayy came to know that ‘Uqba had sat and listened to the apostle, he told ‘Uqbah, ‘Do I hear that you have sat with Muhammad and listened to him? I swear I will never see you or speak to you again if you do the same again, or if you do not go and spit in his face.’ ‘Uqba indeed did this so that Allah sent down concerning the pair of them: “On the day that the sinner bites his hands, saying, would that I had chosen a path with the apostle.” (Sura 25: 27)

