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Unrestricted line officer

Unrestricted Line Officers (URL Officers) are commissioned Officers of the Line in the United States Navy who are qualified to Command at Sea the Navy's warfighting combatant units such as warships, submarines, aviation squadrons and SEAL Teams. They are also qualified to command the higher echelons of those units such as destroyer and submarine squadrons, aviation wings and groups, and special warfare groups. At the Flag Officer level, they also command carrier strike groups, expeditionary strike groups, patrol & reconnaissance groups, task forces, and Fleet and Force commands. URL officers are also eligible to command shore installations, facilities and activities directly supporting the Navy's warfare mission.

URL officers include officers from the Surface Warfare, Submarine Warfare, Naval Aviation, and Special Warfare communities, i.e., the Navy's "combat" communities. In this sense, all URL officers are considered warfare specialists and are designated as either Surface Warfare Officers, Submarine Warfare Officers, Naval Aviators, Naval Flight Officers, SEAL/Special Warfare Officers, or Special Operations Officers (primarily Diver or Explosive Ordnance Disposal Officer/Diver).

A URL community previously known as General Unrestricted Line has been phased out and no longer accepting new entrants. Officers in this category were not warfare qualified, nor on track to be warfare qualified, and were typically assigned to administrative and support tasks ashore. General URL officers have been replaced by the expansion of the Restricted Line Officer (RL) community into their former skillsets, with most incumbents laterally transferring into the Restricted Line.

