Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil, UCSG, is a private, catholic, higher education center, along with Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador in Ecuador.
UCSG was created on May 17, 1962, at the request of the board of Catholic college pro presiding Bishop Cesar Antonio Mosquera Corral, Archbishop of Guayaquil, the jurist Dr. Leonidas Ortega Moreira and P. Joachim Flor Vásconez SJ, who were its founding authorities, as Chancellor, first president and director, respectively. Constitutional President of the Republic, Dr. Carlos Julio Arosemena Monroy, through the respective Executive Decision # 936, approved the statute, and the Ministry of Education authorized its operation by Resolution # 1158.
At that time, among others, performed at the Governmental Body Dr. Santiago Castillo Barredo, Mr. Francisco Amador Ycaza, Archbishop Antonio Bermeo, Roger Bishop Beauge, the P. Jorge Mesía SJ, as Secretary of the Governmental Body and Dr. Fausto Idrovo Arcentales, secretary general. Dr. Hector Romero Menéndez (1962–66), Fr José Joaquín Flower (1962–65) and Raúl Díaz Maruri (1962–63) was the founding dean of Law, Philosophy and Engineering.
On June 6, 1962, i.e. at 19 days of being issued the Executive Agreement, began the first term of classes with the following faculties: Jurisprudence, Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy and Science Education Physical and Mathematical Sciences (School of Civil Engineering and Architecture). The courses were taught in the school building at night "April 20" of the Jesuits, located on the corner of Eloy Alfaro 1955 and Manabi, of this city, where he worked until 1966 when it opened in the main building campus, located at Km 1.5 Avenida Carlos Julio Arosemena Tola.
In 1963, the School of Economics was founded and attached to the Faculty of Law. Subsequently, the Governing Body, at its meeting on March 18, 1965, approved the creation of the School of Economics.
In 1965, the School of Architecture (formerly functioned as the school attached to the Faculty of Physical Sciences and Mathematics) was created. In 1967–68 they were created by the Institute of Technical Education for Development (Faculty since 26-IX-77), with the School of Animal and Electricity and Telecommunications, and the Faculty of Medicine. In 1969 he joined the School of Social Work (which operated since 1960 under the auspices of the Rotary Club of Guayaquil. In 1970 he authorized the operation of the Institute of Applied Arts (now Interior Design career) and in 1973 he joined the Faculty of Medical Sciences, School of Nursing "San Vicente de Paul" (which was created in 1974 by the Community of the Daughters of Charity and had been operating in Quito).