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Union Prayer Book

The Union Prayer Book was a Siddur published by the Central Conference of American Rabbis to serve the needs of the Reform Judaism movement in the United States.

An original version of the prayer book was published in 1892, based on the Minhag America prayer book authored in 1847 by Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise. By the time it was released, a group within the Reform movement led by Rabbi David Einhorn of Baltimore sought to implement greater changes, and the 1892 editions were recalled at significant cost.

The 1895 release was edited by Rabbi Kaufmann Kohler, author of the Pittsburgh Platform of 1885 that established the tenets of "Classical Reform". This version eliminated aspects from the traditional concepts of Jews as a chosen people, a personal Messiah, resurrection and of a return to Israel. References to the role of the priesthood and sacrificial offerings were removed, most notably by the excision of the musaf service on Shabbat and holidays. The service in the Union Prayer Book was structured to have little participation from congregants, with most aspects of prayer delegated to the rabbi and choir. Specific instructions for when the congregation would stand and sit were included. By July 1895, the Publication Committee of the Central Conference of American Rabbis reported that the first and second volumes of the Union Prayer Book had been published and were in use by 55 of "the most prominent congregations in the United States" in 23 states, within two months of its introduction.

