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Union Nationale Inter-universitaire

Union Nationale Interuniversitaire (UNI) or "Inter-University Union" is a French right-wing union of university students, created in February 1969 under the initiative of the Service d'Action Civique, a secret service used by the right-wing gaullist movement, in particular by Robert Pandraud, Charles Pasqua and Jacques Foccart, which was dissolved in 1982 by the socialist government.

The UNI was founded in order to expand the conservative and the right-wing influence in the French university after the May 1968 events. The Inter-University Union has always been strongly anti-communist and anti-socialist opposing the numerous left-wing student groups that exist in the French universities. Since its foundation, the UNI claims to be a movement of activists, activism being the main mission of the organization along with the participation to the elections of the students' representatives within the French universities. The union also uses to position itself within the national political debate strongly opposing same-sex marriage, affirmative action and cannabis legalization.

It received $575,000 between April 1984 and April 1985 from the government of the United States through the National Endowment for Democracy and was also supported by Irving Brown, leader of the international relations of the AFL-CIO and a CIA contractee.

Starting from 1995, UNI has supported president Jacques Chirac against the French Socialist Party. Its anti-socialist position pushed the UNI to get closer to the RPR and now to the UMP, the main French right-wing party. Some of its members also belong to the Movement for France, a more traditionalist conservative political party. UNI activists often participate to UMP rallies even though the two organizations do remain independent.

