Unicorns of Balinor is a series by Mary Stanton for young readers. The story begins with a young girl, Ari, who is recovering in the hospital and suffers from memory loss after a mysterious accident. Her only prominent and familiar memory is a strong connection to Chase, one of the horses at the Glacier River Farm where Ari lives with her foster parents, Ann and Frank. However, Ann and Frank realise they cannot afford Ari's medical bills and decide to lease Chase for riding lessons to the obnoxious and spoiled Lori Carmichael. Heartbroken to see her horse being treated badly, Ari runs away with Chase and her faithful collie, Lincoln. They do not get far before the group, along with Lori, fall through the mysterious Gap, a pathway between worlds.
The group lands in Balinor, a magical land of unicorns, plagued by an evil and intangible entity known as the Shifter. Ari is revealed to be the missing Princess Arianna, heir to the throne of Balinor, and Chase is the unicorn known as the Sunchaser, Lord of the Animals. With help from Atalanta, a Celestial Valley Unicorn known as the Dreamspeaker, and Tobiano, an obnoxious pinto unicorn, they are to first recover the Sunchaser's broken horn and then the Royal Scepter to defeat the Shifter and restore the balance of magic in Balinor.
As the series seemed to end on a cliffhanger, many fans wondered if and when a ninth book would be published. Unfortunately, Stanton's contract with Scholastic, the publisher, ran out before she could finish the ninth book. Sadly, Ms. Stanton has not expressed any desire or ability to publish a sequel.