In category theory, the anamorphism (from the Greek "upwards" and "form, shape") of a coinductive type denotes the assignment of a coalgebra to its unique morphism to the final coalgebra of an endofunctor. These objects are used in functional programming as unfolds. The categorical dual of the anamorphism is the catamorphism.
In functional programming, an anamorphism is a generalization of the concept of unfolds on coinductive lists. Formally, anamorphisms are generic functions that can corecursively construct a result of a certain type and which is parameterized by functions that determine the next single step of the construction.
The data type in question is defined as the greatest fixed point ν X . F X of a functor F. By the universal property of final coalgebras, there is a unique coalgebra morphism A → ν X . F X for any other F-coalgebra a : A → F A. Thus, one can define functions from a type A _into_ a coinductive datatype by specifying a coalgebra structure a on A.
As an example, the type of potentially infinite lists (with elements of a fixed type value) is given as the fixpoint [value] = ν X . value × X + 1, i.e. a list consists either of a value and a further list, or it is empty. A (pseudo-)Haskell-Definition might look like this: