Unexpected John Cena, also known as simply Unexpected Cena or And His Name is John Cena, refers to an Internet meme and a form of trolling involving videos that first garnered popularity on video-sharing services such as Vine and YouTube in the summer of 2015. Born and inspired by numerous prank calls done on the Z Morning Zoo show in 2012, the clips, noted by one writer to symbolize frustration of fans of WWE regarding American wrestler John Cena's over-publicity, depict a snippet of a popular film, TV series, song or other form of media that gets interrupted by Cena's entrance video, as an announcer yells "And his name is John Cena!" and his theme song "The Time Is Now", often played loudly. The meme was very well received by journalists and Cena himself.
Unexpected John Cena was influenced from prank calls done on the Z Morning Zoo show in 2012, which also involved announcing Cena's name and playing his theme song "The Time Is Now". The humor of the Unexpected Cena videos come from how unpredicted John Cena's entrance video is, spoofing his over-publicity and using it towards an unrelated situation of everyday life as a scene stealer. The videos also represent the irritation of several fans of WWE about his extreme popularity. Ever since competing in the 2005 WrestleMania 21 event, the American wrestler has been considered to be one of the most popular wrestlers ever and a poster boy of WWE. His notability has stemmed from him being able to win every fight; he even garnered negative attention for winning the twenty-first annual Royal Rumble event from 2008 when he started at number 30 and had a torn pectoralis major muscle, yet was able to beat several wrestlers to such a degree that their wrestling careers were ruined, or "buried", by him.