Underworld: Endless War is a collection of three short, tie-in stories whose creation was supervised by Len Wiseman, director of the first two Underworld films. Each film tells a different story, and at different periods of history to highlight new events of the Underworld mythology. These stories also tell of what happened before the events in Underworld: Awakening.
These shorts were released in December 20, 2011, as a part of the new Underworld Trilogy: The Essential Collection for Underworld, on Blu-ray. Each episode is a little over five-minutes long.
In 1890, Selene is in Paris, investigating reports of three Lycan brothers, who, as werewolves terrorize the area, but in human form, are posing as lords, and have claimed a castle/mansion as their-own. Selene has been dispatched to investigate the reports, eliminate these self-styled "Lords of the Crescent Wills", and secure the mansion for the Paris branch of the Old World Vampire Coven. From a perch up in the belfry of a high building, Selene sights one of the brothers, Darius, the oldest. She receives a scroll, (via messenger bat), with likenesses of all three brothers and the layout of their mansion, and Selene realizes the reason that Kraven and higher-ups want the castle is to put the balance of power in the area in favor of the Vampires. Determined to exterminate the self-styles Lycan Lords, Selene makes her way after the oldest brother.
Arriving at the mansion first, the oldest Lycan informs his brothers, twins Vregis and Krandrill, that a Death Dealer has found them, and that they must leave at once. But they both do not take this seriously, and, against their brother's warnings, insist that they kill the Death Dealer first. Together, all three brothers try to ambush Selene down in the sewers, thinking that, it being three-against-one, they have her at a disadvantage. Selene, however, proves to be more than they had estimated; she cuts-off half of one of the two younger brothers' ears, and then, with a pair of swords, mortally wounds the oldest brother, who then sacrifices himself to shield his brothers against Selene's gunfire. The younger two brothers flee while Selene finishes-off the oldest Lycan brother. As they leave the estate via rowing boat, they vow revenge against the Death Dealer and the Vampires.