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Undead (Dungeons & Dragons)

Alignment Any Evil
Type Undead
Image [No Wizards.com image]
Stats [No Open Game License stats]
Publication history
Source books From the Ashes, Ivid the Undying
First appearance From the Ashes
Alignment Lawful Good (mainly)
Type Undead
Alignment Neutral Evil
Type Undead
Publication history
Source books Monster Manual IV
Alignment chaotic evil
Type Undead
Image Wizards.com image
Type Undead in 3rd edition; Shadow Animate in 4th edition. (Undead (in 4th edition only))
Image Wizards.com image
Brain in a Jar
Alignment Usually Neutral Evil
Type Undead
Image Wizards.com image
Publication history
Source books Libris Mortis
Corpse Gatherer
Alignment Usually Neutral
Type Undead
Image Wizards.com image
Publication history
Source books Monster Manual II 3rd edition
Crimson Death
Crimson Death.JPG
Alignment Neutral Evil
Type Undead
Image Wizards.com image
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Type Undead
Image Wizards.com image
Publication history
Source books Monster Manual II 3rd edition

In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, undead is a classification of monsters that can be encountered by player characters. Undead creatures are most often once-living creatures, which have been animated by spiritual or supernatural forces.

In the game's third edition, "Undead" became a "creature type".

In the third edition of the game, all undead have darkvision out to sixty feet. Undead have a wide array of immunities, including being immune to: all mind-affecting effects, poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, and death effects. They are also not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability drain, or energy drain. Most Dungeons & Dragons undead can be "turned" (driven away) or destroyed by a good cleric, and rebuked (forced to cower) or bolstered by an evil cleric.

In the game's fourth edition, "Undead" is a keyword, rather than a creature type.

The allip is an undead creature, the spectral remains of someone driven to suicide by madness in life. They are found on any land, and underground, they are solitary, and carry nothing with them, despite having the intellect of a human.

In the third edition Monster Manual, an allip is described as having the same features that it did in life, but greatly distorted. The mouth is twisted, and the eyes glow. From the waist down, it becomes much more gas-like, looking like a typical ghost- it has no legs, and trails off into 'vaporous nothingness'. It leaves a faint trail of fog behind it as it moves.

In the World of Greyhawk campaign setting for Dungeons & Dragons, an is an undead monster created through the use of both arcane and divine magic. They are unique to the Great Kingdom and its successor states.

Animuses retain all skills and powers that they possessed in life (unless a deity forbids it) and also attain other powers from their transformation. All animuses possess immense strength, and can spread fear by their touch. They also gain the power to command undead, and can paralyze by gazing into a target's eyes. An animus can also mentally dominate living creatures and implant suggestions into their minds.

