The Ulkatcho First Nation is a Dakelh First Nations government in the Canadian province of British Columbia. It is a member of the Carrier Chilcotin Tribal Council, its offices are located in Anahim Lake, British Columbia at the western edge of the Chilcotin District. The Ulkatcho government is responsible for 22 Indian reserves with a population of 729 members living on-reserve, and another 200 living off reserve. Its people are of the Ulkatchot’en ethnic group, a subgroup of the Carrier (Dakelh). Ulkatcho people have intermarried heavily with both Nuxalk and Chilcotin people and share territory in the Coast Range with the Nuxalk. Many distinctively Ulkatcho family names, such as Cahoose, Capoose, Sill, Squinas, and Stilas come from Nuxalk.
The name Ulkatcho is an anglicisation of Ulhk'acho, the name of one village, now disused, on Gatcho Lake. Ulhk'acho means "big bounteous place", a place with bountiful fish, game, and other resources. It is based on the root k'a "fat".
Previous chiefs were Lynda Price, Alan Weselowski, Cassidy Sill, and Jimmy Stillas.
Lance Cahoose Memorial Ball-hockey tournament May 18 to 20
The figures following each reserve name are its area, in hectares.