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Unattractiveness or ugliness is the degree to which a person's physical features are considered aesthetically unfavorable.

Ugliness is a property of a person or thing that is unpleasant to look upon and results in a highly unfavorable evaluation. To be ugly is to be aesthetically unattractive, repulsive, or offensive. There are many terms associated with visually unappealing or aesthetically undesirable people, including hideousness, more informal terms such turn-offs, or slang terms such as fugly, boner-shrinker, and bonerkiller. Other measures use a numerical scale of attractiveness, wherein 1 is the ugliest and 10 is the most attractive, whereby the most unattractive individuals would be described as "1s", "2s", and "3s". In manosphere Internet forums, unattractive people are sometimes described as omegas or undateables.

People who appear ugly to others suffer well-documented discrimination, earning 10 to 15 percent less per year than similar workers, and are less likely to be hired for almost any job, but lack legal recourse to fight discrimination.

For some people, ugliness is a central aspect of their persona. Jean-Paul Sartre had a lazy eye and a bloated, asymmetrical face, and he attributed many of his philosophical ideas to his lifelong struggle to come to terms with his self-described ugliness.Socrates also used his ugliness as a philosophical touch point, concluding that philosophy can save us from our outward ugliness. Famous in his own time for his perceived ugliness, Abraham Lincoln was described by a contemporary: "to say that he is ugly is nothing; to add that his figure is grotesque, is to convey no adequate impression." However, his looks proved to be an asset in his personal and political relationships, as his law partner William Herndon wrote, "He was not a pretty man by any means, nor was he an ugly one; he was a homely man, careless of his looks, plain-looking and plain-acting. He had no pomp, display, or dignity, so-called. He appeared simple in his carriage and bearing. He was a sad-looking man; his melancholy dripped from him as he walked. His apparent gloom impressed his friends, and created sympathy for him—one means of his great success."

People sometimes subconsciously associate their perception of disagreeable physical attributes with dislikable personality traits. Some of these include an association between unattractive individuals and dishonesty, unintelligence, failure and incompetence. Factors contributing to a perceived unattractiveness among humans include facial asymmetry, however its significance varies across cultures and among women seeking a male partner, may also vary according to specific the stage of her menstrual cycle. Among medieval western cultures, a marker of unattractiveness in artwork was sometimes marked by protuberances in one physical body. Some studies found that , ineffectiveness at courtship and sexlessness were traits more pronounced among people who self-described as unattractive.

