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UbiArt Framework

UbiArt Framework
UbiArt Framework.jpg
Developer(s) Ubisoft Montpellier
Initial release 2010
Operating system Cross-platform
Type Game engine
License Proprietary

UbiArt Framework is a 2.5D video game engine developed by Ubisoft Montpellier. Its function is to organize 2D animated vector graphics into a playable video game without extensive coding.

In 2010, Ubisoft announced Rayman Origins, first an episodic video game designed by Michel Ancel and developed by a small team of five people, but then it was announced that it transformed into a full game. The title uses the UBIart Framework developed by Ubisoft Montpellier and Ancel. UBIart is a developer platform that allows artists and animators to easily create content and use it in an interactive environment. The engine is optimized for HD resolutions and is capable of running games at 60 frames per second in resolutions exceeding 1080p.

Ancel has expressed his desire for the framework to be available for anybody to develop games with however no public release or licensing option has yet been made available.

