English: To Our Beautiful Montenegro | |
Ubavoj nam Crnoj Gori | |
National anthem of ![]() ![]() |
Lyrics | Jovan Sundečić |
Music | Jovo Ivanišević |
Adopted | 1870 |
Relinquished | 1918/1922 |
Music sample | |
Ubavoj nam Crnoj Gori (Serbian: Убавој нам Црној Гори, English: To Our Beautiful Montenegro) was the national and state anthem of the Kingdom of Montenegro in the late 19th-early 20th century. A popular song called Onamo, 'namo! (There, o'er There!) also existed. The educational system had an honorific song, the Hymn to Saint Sava, which was sung in the Saint's honour.
The lyrics were made in 1865 by the Serb poet and a priest named Jovan Sundečić, who was the secretary of Prince Nikola I of Montenegro. The music was composed by Jovo Ivanišević, drawing from "Uskliknimo s ljubavlju", hymn to Saint Sava and later adapted by Anton Schulz. The anthem was first performed on October 17, 1870, after which Prince Nikola declared it as the state anthem.
In 1993, the anthem was one of the proposals during the unsuccessful negotiations to adopt an Anthem of the Republic of Montenegro. The main problem was its monarchist lyrics.
Отаџбини што не двори, коју нашим мишицама
Ми бранимо и држимо презирући невољу, —
Добри Боже, сви Т' молимо: живи Књаза Николу!
Otadžbini što ne dvori, koju našim mišicama
Mi branimo i držimo prezirući nevolju, —
Dobri bože, svi T' molimo: živi Knjaza Nikolu!
Fatherland which doesn't serve, which with our muscles
We defend and hold, despising any captivity,—
Good God, we all pray to You: long live Prince Nicholas!
Врлим претцим' у свем равна, свом народу на украс;
Добрим блага, злијем строга; крста, дома, слободе
Заштитника ревноснога, — храни нам Га, Господе!