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UFO catcher

A claw crane (also called a variety of other names, such as claw machine, skill crane or teddy picker) is a type of arcade game known as a merchandiser, commonly found in video arcades, supermarkets, restaurants, movie theaters, shopping malls, and bowling alleys.

A claw crane consists of many parts, but the basic components are a printed circuit board (PCB), power supply, currency detector, credit/timer display, joystick, wiring harness, bridge assembly, and claw. The claw has two or more fingers, although most claws have three.

The cabinet is usually constructed of medium-density fiberboard (MDF). Some cabinets are made of aluminum alloy, which makes it easier to relocate as well as cheaper to produce.

The window at the front of the machine is normally made of glass or a cheaper-to-manufacture substitute, such as acrylic. The marquee is a branded graphic (sometimes created specifically for restaurants or an operator's business name) behind a Plexiglass front.

Some claw cranes (mainly in the UK) use Foam Peanuts for either sitting the prizes on top of or to raise or lower the prizes with a cloth on top of the Peanuts.

A claw vending machine consists of prizes, usually plush toys or alternatives such as jewelry, capsuled toys, hats, balls, dolls, shirts, candy and electronics. More expensive prizes are sometimes placed in a plastic bag so the toy is harder to pick up. The player inserts money or tokens into the machine, which then allows the player to manipulate a joystick that controls the claw for a variable amount of time, (controlled by the operator) usually 30 seconds, and rarely, even a minute. The player is able to move the claw back, forth, and sideways. Some machines allow the user to move the claw after it has partially descended.

