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Twerking (/ˈtwɜːrkɪŋ/) is a type of dancing in which an individual, often female, moves to music in a sexually provocative manner involving thrusting hip movements and a low squatting stance. Twerking is also known as "booty shaking," "p-poppin" or "pussy-poppin", and "bounce" depending on the context.

The term seems to be of uncertain origin with common assumptions suggesting it represents a contraction of "footwork" or a portmanteau of the words "twist" and "jerk". The Oxford Dictionaries blog says "the most likely theory is that it is an alteration of work, because that word has a history of being used in similar ways, with dancers being encouraged to "work it". There is evidence from ethnographic interviews in New Orleans that the term began as everyday street language in New Orleans concurrent with the rise of the local style of hip hop music known as bounce.

The earliest use of the word "twerk" on record was produced in a local New Orleans recording by DJ Jubilee. The word specifically originated from the inner-city of New Orleans and was used frequently in New Orleans Bounce music by rappers and djs hosting block parties in the housing projects. The word became popular In the 2000s when it was used by Atlanta rapper lil Jon and The Eastside boys. A Google Trends search reveals that interest in the word "twerk" arose in November 2011. The diffusion of the dance phenomenon began earlier via local parties and eventually strip clubs often associated with mainstream rap music and video production aired by video cable television shows that featured rap and R&B music. Popular video-sharing channels amplified interest since the advent of digital social media platforms.

