Turner Gustavus Morehead (1814–1892) officer in the Mexican American War and American Civil War and Brigadier General in the Union Army.
Turner Gustavus Morehead, was born at Baltimore, Maryland, on March 18, 1814, was educated and grew to young manhood in that city, but shortly after arriving of age, removed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He soon joined the militia unit, the "Artillery Corps Washington Grays" in May, 1835. His unit was one called up to end the Buckshot War. At the beginning of the Mexican American War the Greys voted not to volunteer for service, and Morehead resigned and offered his services to the state.
In November 1846, he was enrolled in Philadelphia as a Captain. in command of Company G, First Pennsylvania Regiment, known as the "Jefferson Guards". He took an active part through to the end of the war in Scott's Mexico City Campaign, principally the engagements of the Siege of Veracruz, National Bridge, Cerro Gordo, Castle Perote, Huamantla, and the Siege of Puebla. Discharged July 29, 1848, Morehead returned to Philadelphia, but soon began his participation in the "Philadelphia Blues" Battalion.
As Colonel commanding the Philadelphia Blues when the American Civil War broke out, Morehead immediately offered the services of his Battalion to the Governor of Pennsylvania. It was accepted and he was ordered to expand the Battalion into a full regiment which was mustered into three months of service on April 17, 1861, as the 22nd Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers with Turner G. Morehead remaining as Colonel.