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Turkish National Police Academy

The Police academy was founded on 6 November 1937 in accordance with Article 18 of the Act 3201 as a one-year-in service-training institute of higher education to educate and train junior and senior executive constables

The Police Training Institute was first a higher education institution offering a two-year training program designed in line with the resolutions of the Education and Training Council of the Ministry of National Education in 1940. Later the institution was included in the higher education league of schools offering a three-year education program in 1962, and from 1984 on wards it started to offer a four-year undergraduate program.

In compliance with the Constitution (Article 132) and Higher Education Law (Article 2) the institution gained a different legislative identity and was entitled The National Police Academy offering a four-year undergraduate program upon the enactment of Police Higher Education Act No.3087 issued on 6 December 1984.

With a new concept of Police University in mind, the Police Academy was restructured within the scope of Police Higher Education Act 4652 issued on 25 April 2001 to gain a university status by including the Faculty of Security Sciences, the Institute of Security Sciences, Police Vocational Schools of Higher Education, and Faculty and Higher Education Institutions offering the training programs concerned.

Of all the schools, previously operating as Police Training Schools to meet the needs of the Police Organization for police officers, twenty were transformed into Police Vocational Schools of Higher Education in line with the resolutions of the Council of Ministers enacted on 6 October 2004 in the issue of the Official Gazette no. 24545, and the other five subsequently went through the same process in compliance with the resolutions of the Council of Ministers enacted on 9 August in the issue of the Official Gazette no. 25239.

In 2002 the foundation of the Institute of Security Sciences was fully completed to admit students upon the approval of The Council of Higher Education on 18 March 2002. In the Institute, there are six academic divisions: 1) International Terrorism, 2) International Security, 3) Criminal Justice, 4) Crime Researches, 5) Transportation Security, 6) Security Strategies Administration. There are currently some 750 MA and PhD students. Besides, the Institute offers PhD programs to train academic personnel to meet the needs of the faculty and vocational higher education schools.

The goal of the Police Academy is to train officers, constables and chief constables for the police, to offer a two-year course, undergraduate and graduate programs conferring a two-year degree, bachelor’s degree and master's degree respectively in the fields concerned, to conduct scientific researches, and to publish in the fields of interest.

