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Trigenderism is a non-binary gender identity in which one shifts between or among the behaviors of three genders, which could include male, female, and third gender (or genderless, non-gender, polygender, or any other variety of genderqueer identities). Someone who is also gender fluid may mix two or more genders at a time. Trigender falls under the general category of genderqueer or androgyny, a gender identity that goes beyond the normal binary gender system (male and female) and tends to be a catch-all place for other gender identities. It can also be seen as the equivalent cultures that recognize individuals to define their own sense of self.

A trigender person may shift from one gender to another depending on the individual's mood or situation.

Trigenderism does not equate to dissociative identity disorder, which is a mental illness where multiple personalities do not share memories. In most Western or European societies, straying outside the gender dichotomy is socially unacceptable. Western influence, Carolus Linnaeus' work, which encouraged a categorization of life, and Feminist Theory, which further solidified the gender dichotomy, has led to marginalization of those outside of the heteronormative realm.

Gender is somewhat difficult to measure, leading to the common belief that sex and gender are the same. Research by Diamond, Milton and Dick Swaab, shows that patterns in gender behavior, thoughts, and feelings can be identified in the brain. Trigender individuals, much like bigender individuals, often feel the need to "present" themselves as the gender they feel like at the given time. Some days, they may present themselves as members of their birth-assigned sex by wearing clothing associated with that gender, and on others will attempt to pass as a cisgender member of the opposite sex, either to reduce gender dysphoria or simply to be perceived socially as the opposite sex. Sometimes, they will express themselves androgynously to avoid having to deal with complications of living as more than one gender. Some gender bend by consistently expressing more than one gender at a time. Bigender and trigender people must undergo the process of learning to live as female and male culturally if they choose to express other genders. The May 2010 issue of Scientific American Mind focused entirely on the social and biological constructs of gender expression and included a small, four-page article on how studying transsexuals can bring greater insight into this field of study. The learning process of male and female cultural roles includes learning how to walk, talk, interact verbally and non-verbally, think, and behave.

