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This is a list of known aliens in the Honorverse, a series of military science fiction novels written by David Weber.

By the time of the Honorverse accounts, humanity had met 12 sentient alien species. Only a few have been mentioned in the books (Stilties, Treecats, Beowulf Gremlins, Terran dolphins, etc.). The list also includes human variants resulting from genetic engineering.

Alphanes were a species of sentient bipedal reptilians, perhaps related to Growlers, which vanished from the galaxy considerably before humans even left the Sol system. They inhabited several planets in what is now Human space over 100,000 years ago. They built cities out of crystals that seem to have been grown from bedrock. Their books were holographic crystals activated using AC power. "A Grand Tour" HHA1, David Drake

See: Dolphins

An intelligent species native to Beowulf in the Sigma Draconis system near Old Sol, the first human colony system. They are about as intelligent as Old Earth dolphins and seem to be slightly less intelligent than Sphinxian treecats.

All are generally referred to as 'genies'; depending on context and the period, this can be a strong insult.

Stilties are a fictional species in the Honorverse fictional universe. They are native to Medusa in the Basilisk system, and were more or less equivalent technologically to late Bronze age humans when discovered. They live in clans, some nomadic, while others settled in small towns at important trade junctions. Politically, most groups are organized as extended families/clans and are led by the head of the currently dominant family. Town organization is more complex, but political arrangements everywhere are similar to Terran Bronze Age political arrangements in most places.

