Henry Danger is an American comedy television series created by Dan Schneider and Dana Olsen that premiered on Nickelodeon on July 26, 2014. The series stars Jace Norman, Cooper Barnes, Riele Downs, Sean Ryan Fox, and Ella Anderson.
When Coach Bix says his team is a team of losers, Henry believes that he was replaced on the Swellview Honey Badgers basketball team by a 14 year old boy named Shawn Corbit, who has been recruited by Coach Bix. After losing a one-on-one match that determines who will be point guard, Shawn reveals to Henry that he's really 26 years old & Coach Bix is forcing Shawn to pretend he's 14 years old because Coach Bix kidnaped Shawn's Cockapoo hostage in order to get the team to win. Meanwhile, Ray is reluctant to call his former worker Schwoz when the Man Cave is on the fritz. Later, Henry tells Ray the bad news. So, Ray turns into Captain Man & goes to Coach Bix's apartment with Shawn & gives his puppy back to him and the Man Cave becomes fixed by Schwoz & Ray befriends Schwoz again.
A device in the Man Cave meant to make men stronger, more powerful, and "manlier" strikes Henry when he accidentally pushes a button on the machine. The effect makes him grow facial hair and increases his adrenaline, making him angry and eventually turning him "beastly". Captain Man, Schwoz, and Charlotte rush to find Henry before his crazy behavior ruins his date with Chloe Hartman.
Henry and Ray must deal with The Spoiler, an annoying new teenage super-villain that finds out the endings of TV shows and movies and tells people about it before they see it. Meanwhile, Piper tries to get into the Man Fans, a Captain Man fan club led by Paula Marikto, and goes through the initiation process with the latest one involving getting a selfie with Captain Man.
When a video of Captain Man smashing up two children's lemonade stand goes viral, people start bad-mouthing him; however, what people fail to realize is that he was actually trying to kill a deadly spider. In an effort to boost his image, Captain Man holds a competition, where the first three people to guess the right number win a tour of the Man Cave; however, when Jasper and Piper are among the winners, Henry worries that they will recognize him. Schwoz helps Henry by attaching a device to his neck that makes his voice sound deeper. Later, as a cover-up to explain his deep voice, Henry tells the winners that he went through puberty.