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Tomasz Karolak

Tomasz Karolak (born 21 June 1971 in Radom) is a Polish actor. He appeared in the comedy television series Bao-Bab, czyli zielono mi in 2003. He comes from Radom. He lived among others in Ustrori Sea, Warsaw and Minsk Mazowiecki, where he was involved in drama club work.

After the failed exam to theater school in Warsaw, has a degree in rehabilitation at the University of Warsaw. The fourth approach got to Kraków's National Theatre School, graduating in 1997. He worked as a salesman and builder, in college for a year was a bodyguard.

He made his debut in the theater on 16 December 1995 in the role of master of ceremonies for the show Possessed or Small Plutarch Lives unsuccessful novel by Fyodor Dostoyevsky's The Possessed in the Old Theatre. Helena Modjeska in Kraków. He has performed in theaters in Cracow: the. Julius Slovak (1997-1999), Scenes STU (1997-1999), New in Lodz (1999-2003, 2005) and theaters in Warsaw: Assembly Plant (2002), National (2003-2004), Variety (2005) and Art Centre M25 [Minsk 25] (2006). In 2003, during the XXVIII Opole Theatre Confrontations in Opole received the award for her role Bastard acting in the play "The Water Hen" Witkiewicz at the New Theatre in Lodz.

On the big screen debut in the film role of sentinel Big Animal (2000). He became popular in the TV series Boston Legal-TVN (2004-2007) as a senior midshipman Stephen Żałoda. He appeared in three seasons of the series 39 and a half role Dariusz Jankowski.

In September 2008, was the fourth member of the jury to show how they sing. In March 2010 he opened his own theater called IMKA. In 2010 he won the prize for the most beautiful guy not in the competition "Szymon Majewski Show".

Ambassador of the Polish Championships in long distance triathlon on Drought Herbalife Triathlon 2011 and a member of the triathlon AT Team. Currently, along with Bartosz Miecznikowskim is a team Donuts in fat. On 1 February 2013 he released the first single, titled "Just be", promoting the debut studio album. Text was written by Paul Kukiz. In addition, the song was also made in the Valentine's Day episode Rodzinka.pl. The premiere will take place as announced in the autumn of the same year. Album will be released by the record label Magic Records.

