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Together for Short Lives

Together for Short Lives is the UK registered charity for children's palliative care. Together for Short Lives’ vision is for children and young people in the UK with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions and their families to have as fulfilling lives as possible, and the best care at the end of life.

Together for Short Lives is a registered charity in England and Wales (1144022) and Scotland (SC044139) and is a company limited by guarantee (7783702).

Together for Short Lives' president is Professor Sir Alan Craft, and Vice President is Dr Ann Goldman. Its patrons include: Simon Cowell, Dame Elizabeth Fradd DBE, FRCN, Hon.Rosa Monckton, John Overton and Holly Willoughby. Rebecca Front is an ambassador for the charity, along with Alex Corbisiero and Lucy Watts MBE.

Together for Short Lives was launched as a new UK charity on 1 November 2011.

Together for Short Lives was developed as the new name for ACT & Children’s Hospices UK, which merged in October 2011. Prior to merger ACT and Children’s Hospices UK were two UK registered charities working within children’s palliative care and offering membership services to children’s hospice services, children’s palliative care professionals and families.

ACT and Children’s Hospices UK merged on 1 October 2011 to become one voice for children’s palliative care in the UK.

ACT (Association for Children with life-threatening and Terminal conditions) was established in 1988 under the direction of Professor David Baum, at the Institute of Child Health, Bristol and Sister Frances Dominica founder of Helen House hospice for children in Oxford.

ACT was established to develop an information service for families and professionals supporting them; to develop a national network for children’s palliative care and to co-ordinate statutory and voluntary services concerned with delivering palliative care to children and families.

