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Titan Corp.

Titan Corporation was a United States-based company founded in 1981, with its headquarters located in San Diego, California. It was acquired by L-3 Communications on June 3, 2005 and operated as the "Titan Group" of L-3 Communications. In early 2007, divisions using the Titan Group name were internally directed to discontinue use of the "Titan" moniker and were given new names.

Titan specialized in providing information and communications products, solutions, and services for intelligence agencies and the Department of Homeland Security. Titan provided information systems solutions, support services and communications products to the Federal Government, especially to the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security.

In recent years, like many other defense companies, Titan diversified through a series of acquisitions, 10 since 2000 alone. The firm got into the linguistic business in the wake of 9/11 by acquiring Fairfax, Va.-based BTG Inc., which had a $10 million military contract dating back to 1999. When the demand for linguists grew after the United States launched the war on terror, so did the size of Titan's contracts. After the sale of Titan Corporation to L-3 Communications, several Titan executives went on to head Kratos Defense and Security Solutions (formerly WFI), which has also similarly been diversifying through a series of acquisitions.

Titan was hired by the US military in 2003 to provide translation services, receiving $112.1 million. This accounted for 96 percent of its total revenue for 2003, according to its annual report. The company had 12,000 employees worldwide, with annual revenues in the neighborhood of $2 billion and was traded on the NYSE as TTN.

Titan has a $54.8 million contract with the Airborne Warning and Control System to support the development of spy planes. They also have an $18 million contract to design war games for the US Navy.

Titan received a competitive contract with a potential value of $163.9 million from the US Army Space and Missile Defense Command on behalf of the U.S. Northern Command for the US Joint Task Force Civil Support on January 12, 2005. The contract is "to provide a full range of planning, analysis, exercise, and information technology services for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and High-Yield Explosive (CBRNE) Consequence Management operations," a Titan press release announced.

