The following is a timeline of the history of the city of Kumanovo, Macedonia.
Emperor Basil II
Monastery Karpino
St. George
Emperor Stefan Dušan
Principality of Velbazhd
Kodza Mehmet Beg Mosque
Evliya Celebi
Eski Mosque
St. Nikolas
VMRO seal
Holy Trinity
Bulgarian exarchist school in Kumanovo 1900-1910
Krustio Lazarov's Cheta in Kumanovo, 1908
Monument Zebrnjak
Kumanovo, c. 1913
Radomir Putnik Kumanovo Railway Station 1912
Poppy grow band, 1917
Barracks of 22 Serbian Infantry Regiment, 1928
Kumanovo 1930s
Kumanovo 1930s
Kumanovo and Skopie chetas IMARO
Map of Bulgaria WWII
Georg Stumme
Heinz Scheurlen
Dedo Ivan
M. Apostolski
Boro Menkov
Hristijan Todorovski
Bajram Shabani
Memorial Ossuary
Polog and Kumanovo
Operation МХ-2
Special Police Unit
Special Police Unit
Batko Gjorgjija
Kumanovo and Osogovo
Logo of Northeastern Region of Macedonia where Kumanovo is part of
ASNOM memorial center, Pelince
Clashes 2015