In the fictional universe of Warhammer Fantasy, Tilea is the region of the Warhammer world roughly analogous with that of the Roman Empire yet is also home to mercenaries of many races. Men are the most common race in the land as the rulers of the various City States, but other races, such as the Dwarfs and Ogres, fight for the armies of the so-called Merchant Princes who rove the land, and the more archaic settlements of Fauns and Centaurs are also found round and about. The Dogs of War army in Warhammer Fantasy, as yet not having received an Army Book for 6th (nor 7th or 8th) Edition, represents the armies of the various Merchant Princes and are composed entirely of hired mercenaries, whereas the main Tilean nation has not received an official army book and has relied upon unofficial versions.
Remas (taking its name from Remus, the brother of Romulus, the founder of Rome in Roman mythology) is a great and old city located on the coast. The huge circular harbour of Remas was built by the High Elves for their trading ships, although the Tileans themselves believe that Romas, one of the twin sons of Marius, was the sole founder after slaying his brother Ramalus. Now, even though it is ruined and colossal chunks of masonry lie half submerged in the sea, it still shelters the large and powerful fleet of Remas. The narrow entrance to the harbour is spanned by a mighty bridge resting on great stone piers. This bridge not only carries the road linking the two sides of the city, but bears the weight of many fine houses and palaces of the Consuls on both sides of the street. These rise up in three, four and five storeys with overhanging balconies. There are towers at either end and in the middle of the bridge and, being Tilea, some of these are leaning at gravity-defying angles, supported by numerous colossal buttresses.
The rest of Remas is laid out on a grand scale within a long circuit of defences. The city is very populous and is famous for its strong army, most of which fight as legionaries. These are supplied by the retinues of the State Leader currently ruling the state. The city state of Remas has been a relatively stable republic for several centuries thanks to these troops, who have resisted tyrants and would-be conquerors on innumerable occasions.