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Thrasher (G.I. Joe)

G.I. Joe character
Thrasher as seen in the Sunbow/Marvel G.I. Joe cartoon.
First appearance 1986
Voiced by Ted Schwartz (Sunbow/Marvel)
Affiliation Dreadnoks
Specialty Thunder Machine Driver
File name Bruno LaCrosse
Birth place Brussels, Belgium
Primary MOS Demolitions
Secondary MOS Civil Disturbances

Thrasher is a fictional character from the G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero toyline, comic books and cartoon series. He is affiliated with Cobra as the Dreadnoks' Thunder Machine driver and debuted in 1986.

Thrasher was spoiled as a child by his middle class parents, who never disciplined him in fear that this would "stifle energies he might need later in life". They never denied him anything he asked for, no matter how many times those things wound up causing some type of destruction or major disaster. After his parents were crippled in a car wreck, which may or may not have had anything to do with Thrasher's repair work on their brakes, this "wild child" wandered into the swamps where he could do what he pleased. There he met Zartan and the Dreadnoks, who welcomed him in as one of them. But even by Dreadnok standards, Thrasher is pretty low, almost deriving pleasure from inflicting misery and suffering on others.

Thrasher was first released as an action figure in 1986, packaged with the Dreadnok Thunder Machine.

In the Marvel Comics G.I. Joe series, he first appeared in issue #51. According to dialogue, he had wandered off into the swamps some time ago. He returns because the swamp held nothing left to smash. Further more, the pollution had killed off all the wild animals so there was nothing left to strangle. Later, in a conflict with the Joes, he purposely drives the Thunder Machine through a moving train, using the guns to create a hole.

In issue #69, Thrasher, Monkeywrench and Zarana had been part of a team overseeing a Cobra Terror Drome base in the fictional country of Sierra Gordo.

When the country erupts in civil war, the three take Thrasher's Thunder Machine to a local airstrip. They take several civilians hostage. This gets them transport from Wild Bill, Crazylegs and Maverick of the G.I. Joe team. Eventually the Dreadnoks, Joes and the civilians willingly work together in an attempt to escape to safety. Thrasher is injured during this attempt; eventually everyone makes it out alive.

