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Thomas Leroy

Peter d'Alembord
Richard Sharpe character
First appearance Sharpe's Honour
Last appearance Sharpe's Waterloo
Created by Bernard Cornwell
Portrayed by Edward Atterton
Nickname(s) "Dally"
Occupation British Army Officer
Title Major (highest rank achieved)
Religion Protestant (Hugenout)
Nationality British, of French descent
Lucille Castineau, nee Lassan (novels), Lucille Castineau, nee Maillot (TV)
Richard Sharpe character
First appearance Sharpe's Revenge
Last appearance Sharpe's Devil
Created by Bernard Cornwell
Portrayed by Cecile Paoli
Occupation Farmer
Title Madame la Vicomtesse de Seleglise
Family Comte de Lassan (father), Henri Lassan (brother)
Spouse(s) Xavier Castineau (deceased), Richard Sharpe
Children Patrick-Henri Lassan, Dominique Lassan
Nationality French
William Dodd
Richard Sharpe character
First appearance Sharpe's Triumph (novel)
Sharpe's Challenge (TV)
Last appearance Sharpe's Fortress (novel)
Portrayed by Toby Stephens
Gender Male
Occupation East India Company Officer
Title Major (highest rank achieved)
Nationality English
Pierre Ducos
Richard Sharpe character
First appearance Sharpe's Battle
Last appearance Sharpe's Revenge
Created by Bernard Cornwell
Portrayed by Féodor Atkine
Occupation Spy
Title Major
Nationality French
Joseph Ford
Richard Sharpe character
First appearance Sharpe's Waterloo
Created by Bernard Cornwell
Occupation British Army Officer
Title Lieutenant Colonel
Nationality British
William Frederickson
Richard Sharpe character
First appearance Sharpe's Enemy
Last appearance Sharpe's Revenge
Created by Bernard Cornwell
Portrayed by Philip Whitchurch
Nickname(s) "Sweet William"
Occupation Army Officer
Title Captain
Nationality Half English, half German
Jane Gibbons
Richard Sharpe character
First appearance Sharpe's Regiment
Last appearance Sharpe's Waterloo
Created by Bernard Cornwell
Portrayed by Abigail Cruttenden
Gender Female
Family Christian Gibbons (brother, deceased), Henry Simmerson (uncle)
Spouse(s) Richard Sharpe (separated)
Significant other(s) Lord John Rossendale
Nationality English
Bartholomew Girdwood
Richard Sharpe character
First appearance Sharpe's Regiment
Created by Bernard Cornwell
Portrayed by Mark Lambert (actor)
Occupation British Army Officer
Title Lieutenant Colonel
Religion Protestant
Nationality British
Daniel Hagman
Sharpe character
First appearance Sharpe's Prey
Last appearance Sharpe's Waterloo
Created by Bernard Cornwell
Portrayed by John Tams
Nickname(s) Dan
Occupation Poacher, Rifleman
Title Sergeant (highest rank achieved)
Obadiah Hakeswill
Sharpe character
First appearance Sharpe's Company (1982)
Last appearance Sharpe's Fortress (1998)
Created by Bernard Cornwell
Portrayed by Pete Postlethwaite
Gender Male
Occupation Soldier
Title Sergeant
Family Biddy Hakeswill (mother)
Children Barabbas Hakeswill (TV series only)
Nationality English

This is a list of characters in the Sharpe series.

Major Peter D'Alembord, nicknamed "Dally" joined the British Army after killing a man in a duel over a woman's favours. He is of French Hugenout extraction and enters the South Essex Regiment as one of Sharpe's many Light Company Subalterns. He becomes captain of the South Essex Light Company after Sharpe's promotion to major. After Napoleon's return from Elba, D'Alembord is also promoted to major as an inducement to rejoin the army. He is badly injured at the Battle of Waterloo and has to have his leg amputated. It remains unclear whether he survives the wound.

In the Sharpe television series, his only appearance is in Sharpe's Honour, where he is portrayed by Edward Atterton, who received no credit for the part.

Lucille Castineau was Richard Sharpe's third (common-law) wife. She was aged twenty-seven in June 1815, placing her birth date in 1788. She was born to the Lassan family of Normandy. Her father was the Comte de Lassan, a minor aristocrat in possession of a large estate house and farm fallen on hard times. Lucille herself bore the title of Vicomtesse. Her father was killed during the Revolution and was succeeded in his title by her older brother Henri Lassan. Her brother soon renounced his title in the face of further persecutions and later joined Napoleon's army as an officer. This left Lucille and her mother, the Dowager Countess, to run the estate.

During the Napoleonic wars, Lucille married the son of a French general, a cavalry officer named Xavier Castineau. However, he soon after died in Russia, forcing Lucille to move back into the Lassan home. After Napoleon's defeat by the British, Henri also returned home and made arrangements to marry. Unfortunately, both Henri and her mother were murdered soon afterwards by thugs of French spymaster Pierre Ducos, trying to prevent Lassan from revealing Ducos's own treachery to Richard Sharpe. Lucille was left alone on the farm.

