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This Is Your Brain on Drugs

This Is Your Brain on Drugs was a large-scale US anti-narcotics campaign by Partnership for a Drug-Free America (PDFA) launched in 1987, that used three televised public service announcements (PSAs) and a related poster campaign.

The 30-second version of the first PSA, from 1987, shows a man (played by John Roselius) in a starkly furnished apartment who asks if there is anyone out there who still doesn't understand the dangers of drug abuse. He holds up an egg and says, "This is your brain," before motioning to a frying pan and adding, "This is drugs." He then cracks open the egg, fries the contents, and says, "This is your brain on drugs." Finally he looks up at the camera and asks, "Any questions?"

In contrast, the 10″ and 15″ versions simply show a close-up of an egg dropping into a frying pan. This is accompanied by a voice-over saying in the 15″ version: "Okay, last time. This is drugs. This is your brain on drugs. Any questions?" The 10″ version omits the first sentence.

The PSA, titled "Frying Pan" (a.k.a. "Fried Egg" and "Any Questions?"), was conceived by art directors Scot Fletcher and Rick Bell, copywriter Larre Johnson and creative director Paul Keye at Los Angeles-based agency Keye/Donna/Pearlstein. It was directed by Joe Pytka through his own Venice-based production company Pytka Productions and produced by agency producer Harvey Greenberg, Pytka executive producer Jane McCann and Pytka producer John Turney. Anthony Marinelli scored the shorter versions.

The second PSA, from 1997, featured 18-year-old actress Rachael Leigh Cook, who, as before, holds up an egg and says, "this is your brain," before lifting up a frying pan with the words, "this is heroin," after which she places the egg on a kitchen counter — "this is what happens to your brain after snorting heroin" — and slams the pan down on it. She lifts the pan back up, saying, "and this is what your body goes through," in reference to the remnants of the smashed egg now dripping from the bottom of the pan and down her arm. Rachael then says, "It's not over yet," and proceeds to smash everything in the kitchen with the frying pan in a furious rage, yelling "And this is what your family goes through! And your friends! And your money! And your job! And your self-respect! And your future!" She ends with "And your life." Cook finally drops the pan on the counter of the now-wrecked kitchen, and, back to her calmer self, says, "Any questions?"

