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Thirty Tigers

Thirty Tigers is a Nashville-based entertainment company that offers music marketing, distribution, and management services to independent artists.

It was founded in 2002 by David Macias and Deb Markland, and is distributed by RED.

In 2014, Thirty Tigers entered into a "strategic partnership" with Columbia Nashville, to promote Chase Rice's single "Ready Set Roll" to Top 40 Country Radio. This was an unprecedented agreement because it may have been the first time a major country label offered their radio promotion services to an artist who was not on their label.

Thirty Tigers is not a record label, but releases around 45 albums per year for artists who retain ownership and control of their music and career choices.

Thirty Tigers has significant influence in the Americana music community, but works with artists from a wide range of genres including folk, indie rock, urban and country.

The roster includes the following artists and more.
Alphabetical by first letter

