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Third Presbyterian Church (Birmingham, Alabama)

The Third Presbyterian Church of Birmingham, Alabama is a Presbyterian church located on the city's Southside at 617 22nd Street South, at the corner of 7th Avenue South. It is a member congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America.

Third Presbyterian was organized on July 11, 1884. The church was an outgrowth of a “Sabbath” school established by First Presbyterian Church. After six months of operation, which included a two-week revival service under a “Gospel Tent,” the Third Presbyterian Church of Birmingham was organized. The church began with 31 charter members and was served by four supply pastors between 1884 and 1888.

By 1889, Third had grown to over 500 members, commissioning over 50 of its own to begin churches in the nearby communities of Woodlawn, Leeds, and South Highlands. That same year, on August 4, the church's first permanent pastor was installed, James Alexander Bryan; he had been a visiting preacher at Third while a seminary student at Princeton University. He would later become known to virtually everyone in Birmingham as "Brother Bryan." Bryan would continue to serve the church and the city for 52 years.

Also in this period, the congregation undertook the task of constructing a building. The original building, located at 6th Avenue South and 22nd Street South, cost about $5300 and was dedicated in January 1891, free of debt. The building was enjoyed for a decade, until April 17, 1901, when an apparent spark from a passing street car ignited something in the barn adjacent to Brother Bryan’s house. The fire subsequently spread to the house and church. The building completely destroyed, the congregation would continue meeting in a tent, without missing a service, until a new church building was constructed a block down the street on the corner of 7th Avenue. After Bryan's death in 1941, assistant minister James Cantrell became the full-time pastor until his retirement in May 1978. Richard C. Trucks has served as pastor since 1978.

Completed in 1902, the church sanctuary and chapel remain essentially the same today. Only the corner steeple/tower is different, as the original was severely damaged by lightning in the 1930s. The tower was refitted with a less steep roof line, giving a slightly different appearance than the side tower which still maintains the original sharp-angled roof.

