Thieves' Guild is a role-playing game published by Gamelords in 1980.
Thieves' Guild is a fantasy system that originated as supplementary rules for thief-type characters and grew into a fairly complex system of its own. Emphasis is on outlaw characters with stealth and dexterity skills. There are 60 noncombat skills, each with four levels of mastery; there are no magic skills for characters. The "Basic Character Creation" book (32 pages) describes characters, abilities, skills, training, and equipment. The "Thieves' Guild" book (two parts, 40 and 32 pages) covers thieving skills, combat, experience, thieves' guilds, medieval justice, and a number of sample miniscenarios that introduce the GM to running adventures for bandit and thief characters.
Thieves' Guild was designed by Richard Meyer, Kerry Lloyd, and Michael Watkins, and was published in 1980 by Gamelords as a package of 128 loose-leaf hole-punched pages. The second edition featured a cover by David Martin and was published by Gamelords in 1984 as a boxed set including a 40-page book, and two 32-page books, and a sample character sheet.