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Thierry Robin

Thierry Robin (born August 26, 1957, Rochefort Sur Loire, France) known as Titi Robin, is a French composer and improviser. He developed a particular musical environment rooted in the Mediterranean world: the confluence of Gypsy, Oriental and European cultures. He plays guitar, buzuq, mandolin and ’oud and is the unique author of all his works.

Titi Robin, early in his career, constructed a deeply personal musical setting, searching to establish harmony between the different cultures he had encountered daily. These had directly and profoundly influenced him, especially the Gypsy and Oriental seated within the Western tradition. Even before the "World Music" type appeared, it is within these communities that he found a sensitive and encouraging response, the French musical milieu not quite understanding his approach. Arab and Gypsy community festivals give him the opportunity to test the original color of his musical approach regarding these rich traditions, that are inspired without imitation, relentlessly looking for a way to express more accutely his own human condition and thus that of the contemporary artist. The musicians accompanying him are almost exclusively from these minority groups, such as Berber Moroccan Abdelkrim Sami, the percussionist who will stay by his side for a long time to come. To name a few hallmarks: the flamenco singer Camaron de la Isla, the ‘oud master Munir Bashir, the singer Mohammad Reza Shajarian, the novelist Yaşar Kemal, among others, are the continuous artistic inspiration in the path of Titi Robin. He also looks on to poetry (Machrâb, Hafez, Seamus Heaney) and to painting (Cézanne, Van Gogh) as sources of inspiration.
This quote can be found in the booklet of one of his following discs: Je ne sais si tu comprendras que l'on puisse dire de la poésie qu'en bien arrangeant des couleurs, comme on peut dire des choses consolantes en musique. (Vincent Van Gogh)

