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The Wolf Award

The Wolf Award is an accolade conferred by a non-profit organization known as The Wolf Project to individuals, organizations, and communities in recognition of their efforts to improve racial tolerance and understanding. The Wolf Award, which has also come to be known as The International Wolf Award, consists of a certificate of appreciation and a sculpture of a howling wolf, presented in ceremonial fashion to the recipient.

The symbol of the wolf was chosen because the founders of The Wolf Project felt that wolves serve as a reminder that society's survival depends upon cooperation and collaboration.

The Wolf Project was developed by Heather Acres and Beatrice MacTavish of Flin Flon, Manitoba, and was initiated with the hope that by acknowledging the efforts of those striving to ameliorate relations between diverse cultures and peoples, others would be encouraged to become involved. For their work, Acres received the Governor General of Canada's Meritorious Service Award, and MacTavish received the Manitoba Provincial Order of the Buffalo Hunt.

Some recipients of The Wolf Award are listed as follows:

The Edmonton Police Service, for promoting positive relations between cultural communities, and for establishing the Oskayak Police Academy, which provides aboriginal youth hands-on experiences with police in a culturally sensitive environment. The Police Service was nominated for the award by aboriginal community leaders. It was presented October 26, 2016 in Edmonton, Alberta.

Chief Arvol Looking Horse was presented The Wolf Award in 1996 for his work promoting racial equality and social justice. He is the spiritual leader of the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota Nations and the 19th generation keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe.

Elder William Commanda (1913 - 2011) received The Wolf Award for his efforts promoting intercultural understanding and racial harmony. Elder Commanda was Keeper of the Seven Fires Prophecy Belt, which dates back to the 15th century and purportedly teaches the history of the indigenous peoples of North America. The Wolf was presented to Elder Commanda in November, 1998 by members of the Algonquin Nation on the River Desert Reserve in Maniwaki, Quebec.

