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The Winslow

The Winslow is a fictional reptilian creature measuring 66 centimeters in length that plays a prominent role in many of comics artist Phil Foglio's various graphic novels, most notably Buck Godot and MythAdventures (with occasional guest appearances in the Girl Genius strip [1], [2], and [3]).

The Winslow is technically sentient and capable of speech, though rarely says anything more than the informal, greeting "Hi!", which it often enjoys repeating ad nauseam. Indeed, this diminutive creature would be completely unremarkable save for the fact that it is utterly indestructible and presumably immortal, and figures prominently one way or another into fully three-fourths of the galaxy's known religions.

Despite its religious , the true nature and purpose of the Winslow is unknown. Some cultures fear it, some worship it, but nearly everyone wants it for their own purposes and is willing to go to any imaginable lengths to obtain it. There are endless explanations as to why the Winslow is so important, despite the fact that it displays none of the 14 Accepted Signs of Divinity (other than #14, "Be the Winslow"); yet most of these explanations are depressingly circular, e.g. "The Winslow is the exact shape and size of the Perfect Lizard of Love, which, of course, is the Winslow." Despite the fact that it is immortal and indestructible (fairly impressive in and of itself), the Winslow's importance may be due to nothing more than the fact that everyone else seems to think it's Pretty Damn Important (i.e., that it's a MacGuffin).

In the Buck Godot comic, the protagonist asks members of the Uligb, entities who have direct perception of all eleven dimensions of reality, about the Winslow:

