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The Way of Shadows

The Way of Shadows
Author Brent Weeks
Cover artist Illustrator: Calvin Chu
Design: Peter Cotton
Country United States
Language English
Series The Night Angel Trilogy
Genre Fantasy
Published October 2008 Orbit
Media type Print (Mass Market Paperback)
Pages 688
OCLC 225870139
Followed by Shadow's Edge

The Way of Shadows is a 2008 fantasy novel written by Brent Weeks and is the first novel in The Night Angel Trilogy.

The story takes place in Cenaria City, the capital of the Kingdom of Cenaria. Cenaria is on a fictional continent called Midcyru. It begins in the city's lawless slum sector, known as the Warrens, then expands to the East Side, home to the middle and upper classes. Cenaria is a monarchy, with a king and dynastic succession. Behind the throne however is a mysterious criminal council, the Sa'Kage (Lords of the Shadows), controlling criminal activity and trade while manipulating the king and the succession through extortion and assassination.

Cenaria is a politically and militarily insignificant country. To its north lies the aggressive, brutal land of Khalidor with its tyrannical Godking, and to the south is the wealthier Ceura. Cenaria has remained independent of Khalidor because of its poverty and problematic geography, but there is constant intrigue.

Azoth is an orphan who lives in the Warrens of Cenaria City. He and his two friends, Jarl and 'Doll Girl', are members of the Black Dragon Guild. They make their living stealing money to buy food and pay their guild dues to Rat, the Guild Fist, an enforcer who beats anyone who doesn't pay. One night, Azoth overhears a confrontation between Durzo Blint, the best assassin (wetboy) in the city, and several unknown assailants. After Durzo slaughters the assassins, he catches the escaping Azoth and tells him to not say a word about what he has seen to anyone.

Jarl gives Azoth money that he'd saved so that he can be Durzo Blint's apprentice. Azoth follows Durzo after an ambush during a contract at the Black Dragon's guild to present his offer for apprenticeship. Durzo declines his offer and disappears. Rat beats and rapes Jarl which prompts Azoth to rally other members of the guild to stand up to him. Azoth encounters Durzo again and threatens to kill him unless he apprentices Azoth. Durzo agrees on the condition that Azoth kill Rat by the end of the week.

Before Azoth can kill Rat, Rat kidnaps and beats Doll Girl, leaving her with ugly scars all over her face. Durzo finds Doll Girl, and Azoth pleads with him to save her. Durzo agrees and Azoth sets out to kill Rat. Azoth kills Rat and cuts off his ear as proof to take back to Durzo, who has followed through and saved Doll Girl's life.

Elsewhere in Cenaria, a noble, eleven-year-old Logan Gyre watches his father, Duke Regnus Gyre, as he prepares to travel to a garrison, called Screaming Winds. Logan asks to go with his father, but Duke Gyre refuses and leaves his son as the Lord of House Gyre.

A traveling mage, Solon Tofusin, arrives at the Gyre estate. He is on a mission from the prophet Dorian to help Lord Gyre. When he finds out Duke Gyre has gone to Screaming Winds, he plans to head there immediately, but his plans are disrupted when he finds out that Logan has also been named Lord Gyre. Logan forces him to spar, and Solon humiliates him. He tells him that Logan's soldiers have been losing to him on purpose, which infuriates Logan. He tells his men to treat him as no more than an equal; he is soon going to join his father at Screaming Winds, and if they truly love him, they should be preparing him for the battles there. He apologizes to Solon, who is impressed with Logan and decides to stay with him for now. Solon offends Logan's mother and she tries to send him away, but Logan reminds her he is now Lord Gyre and sends her away instead. Solon is even more impressed with Logan, and becomes less certain that Duke Gyre is the one he must serve.

