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The Veresov Opening

Richter–Veresov Attack
a b c d e f g h
a8 black rook
b8 black knight
c8 black bishop
d8 black queen
e8 black king
f8 black bishop
h8 black rook
a7 black pawn
b7 black pawn
c7 black pawn
e7 black pawn
f7 black pawn
g7 black pawn
h7 black pawn
f6 black knight
d5 black pawn
g5 white bishop
d4 white pawn
c3 white knight
a2 white pawn
b2 white pawn
c2 white pawn
e2 white pawn
f2 white pawn
g2 white pawn
h2 white pawn
a1 white rook
d1 white queen
e1 white king
f1 white bishop
g1 white knight
h1 white rook
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
a b c d e f g h
Moves 1.d4 d5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.Bg5
Origin 1902
Named after Kurt Richter
Gavriil Veresov
Parent Closed Game
Synonym(s) Veresov Opening

The Richter–Veresov Attack (or Veresov Opening) is a chess opening that begins with the moves:

It is also often reached by transposition, for example 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nc3 d5 3.Bg5 (the most common move order), 1.d4 Nf6 2.Bg5 d5 3.Nc3, or 1.Nc3 Nf6 2.d4 d5 3.Bg5.

The opening was named after the German International Master Kurt Richter and later the Soviet master Gavriil Veresov, who played it frequently for over a quarter of a century.

Along with the Trompowsky Attack, Colle System, London System, and Torre Attack, the Richter–Veresov Attack is one of the more common branches of the Queen's Pawn Game. The more popular Ruy Lopez opening looks like a Richter–Veresov Attack mirrored on the queenside, but the dynamics of play are quite different.

The ECO code for the Richter–Veresov Attack is D01.

The opening dates back as far as the game MarshallWolf, Monte Carlo 1902. However, it was Savielly Tartakower who played it regularly in the 1920s and even to the end of his life, and featuring it in his victory over Donner at Staunton Centenary 1951. Tartakower's interpretation and treatment of the opening generally led to a closed, manoeuvring game.

Kurt Richter was the next player to develop new ideas in the opening, during the 1930s. He mostly found it useful to facilitate his risk-taking style, and he produced some dazzling victories which contributed to a whole chapter of his book of best games. Some theoreticians refer to the opening as the Richter Attack.

It was Gavriil Veresov, however, who greatly strengthened both the theory and practice of the opening from World War II to his heyday in the 1950s and 1960s. He is credited with demonstrating that the opening contained more subtlety and depth than was previously considered, often culminating in a central advance or direct assault on the enemy king. As a tool for rapid piece development, it resembled a king pawn opening, and requiring fewer pawn moves than standard queen pawn fare.

