The Truth About Marika (Swedish title: Sanningen om Marika), is a transmedia production by Sveriges Television (SVT) and The company P in cooperation with SICS and Interactive Institute. It is an alternate reality game and a TV-series first aired in Sweden during the autumn of 2007. The Truth About Marika was marketed as a "participation drama" and had a high amount of viewer participation.
The viewers of the TV-series were invited by a young woman to participate in the search for her lost friend and the search took place online and all over Sweden.
The Truth About Marika took place on television, national radio, the internet, mobile phones and in the streets. Each week the theories of the search for Marika were discussed in a live TV-debate. The events depicted on the television show was partially altered by the actions of participating viewers.
The Truth About Marika narrative spanned across different channels aiming to provide an immersive experience into the story universe. It included: A TV drama,the Conspirare website, an SVT dedicated webpage, a debate television program, ARGs activities and Entropia Universe.
The Truth About Marika won a SIME Award for Best Online Entertainment in November 2008
The Truth About Marika won an International Interactive Emmy Award for Best Interactive TV-service in April 2008. A prize which has not gotten used since.
The Truth About Marika was nominated for two Prix Europa 2008 in the categories TV Fiction and Emerging Media.