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The Treaty of Epe

The Treaty of Epe was a treaty between Great Britain (represented by Benjamin Campbell, Consul in Lagos and Thomas Miller Commander of HMS Crane) and Kosoko on September 28, 1854.

On December 26, 1851, in what is now known as the Bombardment of Lagos or Reduction of Lagos Britain intervened in Lagos politics by executing naval action against Kosoko, then Oba of Lagos, ousting him, and installing Oba Akitoye who had promised to embrace abolition. On January 1, 1852 Akitoye signed the Treaty between Great Britain and Lagos abolishing the slave trade.

Kosoko fled to Epe and built up an independent base with about 400 warriors and mounted multiple attacks on Lagos; one on August 5, 1853 and another on August 11, 1853 which came dangerously close to the Oba's palace but was rebuffed just in time by a burst of fire from the British naval force under Commander Phillips of HMS Polyphemus.

After much negotiation, Kosoko eventually signed the The Treaty of Epe on September 28, 1854 with Consul Benjamin Campbell, agreeing not to make any claims to Lagos or to endanger commerce in Lagos. The treaty was a tactical success for Kosoko who got the British to recognize his state in Epe. In the big picture, however, the Lagos throne remained out of reach with Akitoye and Dosunmu's descendants firmly rooted.

The text of the treaty is transcribed below:

Agreement entered into this 28th day of September 1854 between Kosoko his Caboceers and Chiefs and Chiefs, and Benjamin Campbell Esquire Her Brittanic Majesty’s Consul for the Bight of Benin, and Thomas Miller Esquire Commander H.M.S. Sloop “Crane” Senior Officer of the Bights of Benin and Biafra.

1st. Kosoko his Caboceers and Chiefs solemnly pledge themselves to make no attempt to regain possession of Lagos either by threats, hostilities or strategem

2nd. Kosoko his Caboceers and Chiefs claim Palma, as their port of trade, and Benjamin Campbell Esquire Her Brittanic Majesty’s Consul, and Thomas Miller Esquire Commander and Senior Naval Officer in the Bights, engage to recognize Palma, as the port of Kosoko and his Caboceers and Chiefs, for all purposes of legitimate trade.

