The Torchlighters: Heroes of the Faith is an award-winning video series produced by International Films, The Voice of the Martyrs, and Christian History Institute. The series features stories of heroes and heroines of the Christian faith.
According to the producer, a Torchlighter is "one who commits to serving God and passing on the light of the Gospel even when the going gets tough." Torchlighters videos are 30-minute animated DVDs aimed toward 3rd to 8th graders. Each video also contains 30 or more minutes of documentary or other features at an adult level, which some reviewers have described as more valuable than the animated story.
The Jim Elliot Story tells of the martyrdom of five missionaries in Ecuador and includes an interview with Steve Saint, son of one of the martyrs. The William Tyndale Story is about the man "who in 16th-century England defied the law that forbade translation of the Bible into English." The Gladys Aylward Story "presents a true account of a Christian missionary who helped more than one hundred Chinese orphans to escape the onslaught of the Japanese when they swept through China in 1940..." The Perpetua Story presents the account of a young Roman mother martyred in Carthage about 203 C.E. with "beautiful artwork" that perfectly portrays the emotional and poignant story." The John Bunyan Story is an account of the tinker-preacher who penned Pilgrim's Progress while imprisoned. The Wurmbrand Story recounts the events which led to the arrest of Lutheran pastor Richard Wurmbrand by Rumanian Communists and the prison experiences which led him to found Voice of the Martyrs after his release. The Eric Liddell Story shows the famous runner not only at the Olympics but as a missionary in China. The Amy Carmichael Story, winner of the 2011 ICVM gold crown, is about the Irish missionary to India and Preena, the first temple child she rescued (the issue of child-prostitution is tastefully skirted because of the audience age).