The Television Ghost was one of the first television series, broadcast from 1931 to 1933 by W2XAB New York City, an experimental television station of Columbia Broadcasting System. Each episode lasted for 15 minutes.
The idea of the series was that the ghosts of the murdered would tell the story of their murders. George Kelting was the storyteller and acted as the ghost, wearing white make-up and having a towel draped over his head. Due to the technical limitations of the time the visual effects were not impressive — the camera showed only George Kelting's head. No recordings of the program were ever made and the only remaining documents are photographs, making it a lost television broadcast.
The series was also broadcast on radio by W2XE New York City and WABC New York.
It is believed to be one of the first dramatic television series in the world. For part of its run it was followed on the schedule by Piano Lessons.