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The Sundering

The Sundering is a fictional event set in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting of the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game. It is described in a series of novels and game supplements beginning in 2013 in anticipation of the newest version of the game, known at the time as D&D Next.

The first announcement of The Sundering came at Gen Con 2012.Wizards of the Coast is calling the event a "cataclysm".Forgotten Realms campaign setting creator Ed Greenwood described the event as "war, gods, and plain folks trying to get by". The novels and adventures will be released in a staggered, overlapping fashion, and the collective results of players in their adventures can be submitted to WotC, and will influence the stories in the novels. The result of the events, in game terms, will be a simplified set of rules detailed in the upcoming 5th Edition, dubbed D&D Next.

A series of novels explaining the events of The Sundering were released beginning in the second half of 2013:

