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The Solitude of Prime Numbers (novel)

The Solitude of Prime Numbers (original title: La solitudine dei numeri primi ) is a novel by the Italian author Paolo Giordano, published in 2008. It won the 2008 Strega Prize. A cinematic adaptation of the novel was directed by Saverio Costanzo, and released in 2010.

The novel narrates the childhood and early adulthood of a boy and girl, who were each exposed to traumatic situations that followed them into adulthood. Both are outsiders, similar to how prime numbers are outsiders from other numbers. They befriend each other, forming a special relationship – becoming very close but never romantic. Their relationship appears to have run its course, but circumstances bring them together again and while they clearly love each other, they are unable to express their emotions. This relationship is compared to prime pairs: always together, but never touching.

Although the setting is never mentioned explicitly, references to Gran Madre Church, the Basilica of Superga, the Maria Ausiliatrice hospital, and to Fraitève and identify the locale as Turin.

As a seven-year-old girl, Alice Della Rocca is forced by her father to take skiing lessons, although she hates the ski school and has no particular aptitude for the sport. One morning, Alice is separated from the rest of the group and falls off a cliff, sustaining serious injuries. Alice will remain crippled for the rest of her life.

Mattia Balossino is a gifted and intelligent child, unlike his twin sister Michela, who suffers from a severe form of mental retardation. Isolated from the rest of his peers because of his "uncomfortable" sister, Mattia lives his childhood in solitude. When he and his sister are invited to a classmate's birthday party, Mattia leaves Michela in a park so he can attend the party without her. Upon his return to the park a few hours later, Michela has disappeared, perhaps drowned in a nearby pond, and is never found despite a police search and investigation.

These events deeply affect the lives of both Alice and Mattia. In adolescence, Alice suffers from anorexia nervosa and is snubbed by boys as a cripple. With no social life, Alice draws the attention of Viola Bai, a popular but cruel girl in her class, who toys with Alice and briefly allows Alice into her circle of friends. With Viola's encouragement, Alice meets Mattia. Mattia is difficult to get along with; he is not interested in social interactions and has an unhealthy tendency to cut himself.

