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The Quakes

The Quakes
The Quakes-16.jpg
Live in Feierwerk, 2014
Background information
Origin Buffalo, New York
Genres psychobilly
Years active 1986 (1986)-present
Website http://www.thequakes.com
Members Paul Roman
Wes Hinshaw
Juan Carlos
Past members Rob Peltier
Dave "The Ace" Hoy
Chris Van Cleve
Brian Doran
Kenny Hill

The Quakes are a psychobilly band from Buffalo, NY. They were formed in 1986. When the band began in the late 1980s, there was no scene to speak of in the United States. The Quakes moved to London to try to find an audience.

The Quakes were started by Paul Roman (guitar, vocals), Rob Peltier (upright slap bass), and Dave "The Ace" Hoy (drums) in the fall of 1986. After visiting London twice in failed attempts to start a band, Roman began a band with Hoy called the Quiffs. Peltier later saw the band playing at a party, and once he joined, the band's name was changed to the Quakes. At first, they did not plan on keeping Dave Hoy in the band due to his young age (Hoy was 15, while Roman and Peltier were 19 and 17), but eventually allowed him to stay.

The band originally played modern rockabilly, but found it tough to book shows with Buffalo's teenage music scene being dominated by punk rock. Out of sheer frustration the band began playing faster and dressing in ripped jeans and combat boots instead of their usual peg pants. While they did gain a following, it was small compared to the attention European psychobilly bands were getting. The band sent demos to Nervous Records, an influential psychobilly label, but were rejected. In the fall of 1987, the Quakes decided to move to London in order to become part of the European scene.

Once in London, they again tried their luck with Nervous Records. They were told another band, the Rattlers, had cancelled out of a psychobilly fest in Weize, Belgium, and they could have the slot. The band was able to play for an audience of 4000 for their very first European gig. Upon returning to England, the band was stopped at the border and deported because they did not have work permits. The Quakes returned to gigging in the United States, but were again discouraged by a lack of interest. However, they were soon able to return to Europe when they were offered a slot as an opening band for the Coffin Nails on a tour of Belgium and Germany. Before the tour, Rob Peltier quit the band, and was replaced with Chris VanCleve, who had played drums in the Quiffs. VanCleve was put on drums, and Dave Hoy was switched to bass.

After the tour, the band was finally signed by Nervous Records to record the first album. Peltier was convinced by the record deal to rejoin. Peltier moved to London, and the band was living in a squat. The Quakes began playing around London, and made their debut at legendary psychobilly club, the Klubfoot, on June 5, 1988. The last half of 1988 saw the release of their self-titled debut, The Quakes, still their most successful album to date. For the recording Roy Williams of Nervous Records teamed the band with producer Paul "Doc" Stewart who chose to record and mix the tracks at Opaz Studio in Hackney, in East London. Stewart also co-engineered the album and shot the cover pictures using the nom de plume of Stewart Barker for the photo credit. The album and the tracks from it have been released in multiple territories and have received much critical acclaim. Being otherwise jobless, and still living in a squat, Peltier and Hoy ended up quitting and returning to Buffalo after a planned tour of Europe went bust. Roman stayed in London and began a new band, Paul Roman and the Prowlers, with the Rattlers' bassist Nick Peck. Shortly after returning to Buffalo, Dave Hoy was struck by a car while crossing the highway and killed.

