The Princess and The Butterfly: or, The Fantastics is a comedy in five acts by Arthur Wing Pinero first produced at London’s St. James's Theatre on March 25, 1897 and in New York at the Lyceum Theatre on November 23, 1897. The New York version of The Princess and the Butterfly was somewhat abbreviated from the four-hour production that originally played in London.
Princess Pannonia is the English-born wife of a Hungarian noble who has spent the last twenty years of her life living in the remote castle of Mornavitza. After her husband dies, the princess returns to London where she falls in love with Sir George Lamorant, an old friend once known as "the butterfly." Their plans to marry though are soon complicated by a shared fear of approaching middle age.
Dramatic Technique, By George Pierce Baker, 1919
In The Princess and the Butterfly, Act I not only disposes of preliminary necessary exposition, but depicts different kinds of restlessness in a group of women at or nearing middle age. Act II does the same for a group of men, and in the proposed duel provides what later may be made to reveal to Sir George how much Fay Zuliani cares for him. Act III complicates the story by showing that Fay is not the niece of Sir George, and illustrates the growing affection between the Princess and Edward Oriel. Act IV reveals to Sir George and Fay how much each cares for the other. The fifth act shows how Sir George and the Princess, who have tried to be wise and restrained, impulsively and instinctively, choose the path of seeming unwisdom but immediate happiness.
The Opera Glass, 1897
Daniel Frohman's stock company returned to the Lyceum, opening in Pinero's, The Princess and the Butterfly. You all know what a Pinero play is; well, this one is just like the others. It tells an impossible story but gives ample opportunity for the men and women to exhibit themselves. Yet the play was a success. There can be no doubt of that. But the success is due to Mr. Frohman's clever company, chief among which is Julie Opp, who appeared in the original production in London. Miss Opp is a beautiful woman and looked and acted the part of the Princess to perfection. The acting of James K. Hackett and Mary Mannering was additional proof of their talent. Mr. Morgan, Mrs. Whitten and Mrs. Walcot were delightful as usual.