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The Power Sword

The Power Sword
Plot element from Masters of the Universe
First appearance He-Man and the Power Sword (1982)
Created by Mattel, Filmation
Genre Minicomics, Animated television series
In-story information
Type Magical sword
Element of stories featuring He-Man
Function Transforms Prince Adam and Cringer into He-Man and Battle Cat
Sword of Protection
Plot element from She-Ra: Princess of Power
First appearance She-Ra: Princess of Power
"Into Etheria"
Created by Filmation, Mattel
Genre Toyline, Animated television series
In-story information
Type Magical sword
Element of stories featuring She-Ra
Function Transforms Princess Adora and Spirit into She-Ra and Swift Wind
Specific traits and abilities Able to cut through various substances, able to change form at She-Ra's command

The Power Sword is a fictional sword from the Masters of the Universe toyline, sometimes also referred to as the Sword of Power and the Sword of Grayskull. It started out as a mystical object in the early stories, in which Skeletor tries to obtain both halves and put them together in order to gain control over Castle Grayskull, while He-Man's role is to stop him by using more regular weapons such as an axe and a shield.

With the arrival of the He-Man and the Masters of the Universe animated series, the Power Sword became the means by which Prince Adam transforms into He-Man. The weapon kept the same basic shape during most of the 1980s, but then it was radically redesigned twice: for The New Adventures of He-Man as well as the 2002 remake of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.

In the initial Mattel toy line, the He-Man and Skeletor figures each came with half of a plastic sword which could be joined into one "complete" sword, corresponding to the storyline in the included mini-comic. Together, the combined sword was used as a key to open the jawbridge to the Castle Grayskull playset.

The Power Sword appears as early as the He-Man and the Power Sword illustrated mini-comic that was packaged with the original He-Man action figure. Skeletor's goal in the book is to acquire the other half of the sword hidden inside Castle Grayskull in order to obtain the sword's total power, adding that "the magic fires, created by ancient scientists and sorcerers, will blaze again" once the two halves are joined. The specific purpose of the quest is also made clear: the Power Sword can be used to open a hole in the dimensional wall in order to bring reinforcements from Skeletor's dimension of origin, which would allow Skeletor to conquer Eternia's dimension. Once the two halves of the Power Sword are joined, Skeletor is able to use the sword to command various objects to attack He-Man. However, the spell is broken once the Sorceress splits the Power Sword into two halves again, hiding them and making the Power Sword the only key that can open the castle's Jaw-Bridge when inserted into an enchanted lock.

