The Nearly Man was a UK TV series from the mid-1970s created by Arthur Hopcraft about a middle-class Labour MP. Originally screened on ITV on 4 August 1974, the series won the Broadcasting Press Guild award for the best single play on British television in 1974. The series was filmed in London by Granada Television, in black and white. Some episodes were directed by British director John Irvin. The main cast included Tony Britton in the title role, Ann Firbank, John Leyton, David Nicholas Wilkinson, Wilfred Pickles, Jon Morrison, Ian East, Gwen Taylor, Kate Fahy, Michael Elphick and Ian McCulloch. The series was filmed in colour. The stills from the film were in black & white.
Arthur Hopcraft was a well-respected UK scriptwriter known for his adaptations of TV plays and novels. He won the BAFTA writer's award in 1985, and is best known for TV miniseries including Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (1979), Bleak House (1985), A Perfect Spy (1987) and A Tale of Two Cities (1989).