The Mystery of the Grail and the Gibelin Imperial Concept: Initiation and Magic in the Quest for the Spirit (Italian: Il Mistero del Graal e la Tradizione Ghibellina dell'Impero) is a work by the Italian philosopher Julius Evola. It was published in 1937 by Laterza, Bari; English translation by Inner Traditions International, 1995 (). This book uses the Grail mythos as a window to Traditional European spirituality and culture, and of a theorized heroic society where theorized warriors with transcendental orientation and spiritual power protected the world from theorized dark, disintegrating forces. Evola in this text also postulated that occult forces were acting to degrade the modern world. Historian Richard Barber noted the book's significance as the first text on the subject to synthesize esotericism and conspiracy theory - this synthesis characterizing much of the later Grail literature.