The Mind of a Chef is a non-fiction television series on PBS narrated and executive produced by Anthony Bourdain, and combines travel, cooking, history, and science. The first season premiered on November 9, 2012 with host David Chang. Season 2 premiered on September 7, 2013 and starred chefs Sean Brock and April Bloomfield. Season 3 premiered on September 6, 2014 and stars chefs Edward Lee and Magnus Nilsson. Chefs Gabrielle Hamilton and David Kinch were featured in Season 4. Season 5 featured chef Ludo Lefebvre. Each season consists of 16 episodes.
Each episode is 24 minutes long. The bonus scenes are 1.5 mins long.
In 2013 & 2014, The Mind of a Chef won a James Beard Foundation Award for Best Television Program, On Location. In 2014, The Mind of a Chef won a Daytime Emmy for Outstanding Culinary Program.