"The Maiden Flight of McCauley's Bellerophon" is an award-winning science fiction/magical realism novella by Elizabeth Hand. It was first published in the Neil Gaiman-edited anthology Stories: All-New Tales, in 2010, and subsequently republished in Hand's 2012 anthology Errantry: Strange Stories from Small Beer Press.
An aviation historian is terminally ill; as a last gift, her friends decide to falsify evidence that will support her personal theory regarding the invention of flight.
"Maiden Flight" won the 2011 World Fantasy Award for Best Novella, and was nominated for the 2011 Hugo Award for Best Novella and the 2011 Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award
Theodora Goss calls it "simple on one level and intensely complicated on another. And beautiful, and a joy to read," while the Portland Press Herald describes it as "bittersweet" and "magical", and Roz Kaveney judges it as "possibly the best" story in the anthology.